24 September, 2016 | 9to5 - https://9to5mac.com/

Apple acknowledges iOS 10 security flaw that makes it easier to access protected iTunes backups

A new discovery by iOS forensics company Elcomsoft has revealed that encrypted iOS backups via iTunes are much easier to crack with iOS 10 than in past years. The change in security is apparently due to a new password verification method in iOS 10.

24 September, 2016 | TidBITS - http://tidbits.com/

Apple to Fix iOS 10 Security Flaw with iTunes Backups

Russian security company Elcomsoft has discovered a major security flaw in iOS 10: encrypted iTunes backups made with iOS 10 allow password-cracking tools to make 6 million attempts per second, more than 40 times faster than with backups created with iOS 9. Apple has confirmed that the issue is real and plans to fix it in an upcoming security update.

23 September, 2016 | Tom's Hardware - http://www.tomshardware.com/

iOS 10 Vulnerability Makes Bruteforcing Backup Passwords Up To 2,500 Times Faster (Updated)

ElcomSoft, a Russian digital forensics and IT security firm, announced that it found a flaw in iOS 10’s backup password mechanism that allows its password cracking tools to bruteforce a password 2,500 times faster compared to when the old iOS 9 mechanism was being used.

23 September, 2016 | The International Business Times - http://www.ibtimes.com/

iOS 10 Found To Lack Security Checks Against Brute-Force Attacks

Apparently, Russian cybersecurity firm Elcomsoft has found out that the iOS 10 is lacking some implementations that could make it safe against hackers. The firm discovered recently that iOS 10 does not come with certain security checks that are present in iOS 9, as per Phone Arena.

23 September, 2016 | Graham Cluley - https://www.grahamcluley.com/2016/09/upgrading-ios-10-backups-lot-faster-crack

Upgrading to iOS 10 may have made your backups a lot faster to crack

The silver lining on the cloud is that ElcomSoft's discovery affects the local iTunes backups you might make of your iPhone or iPad. That means that any hacker wanting to exploit the weakness would have to target the computer you have made the backup onto, rather than something more chilling like trying to access the phone itself remotely.

23 September, 2016 | Motherboard - https://motherboard.vice.com/

iOS 10 Has a 'Severe' Security Flaw, Says iPhone-Cracking Company

In a blog post published Friday by Elcomsoft, a Russian company that makes software to help law enforcement agencies access data from mobile devices, researcher Oleg Afonin showed that changes in the way local backup files are protected in iOS 10 has left backups dramatically more susceptible to password-cracking attempts than those produced by previous versions of Apple’s operating system.

23 September, 2016 | Business Insider - http://www.businessinsider.com/

iOS 10 backups can be hacked 2,500 times faster than in iOS 9, researchers find

Moscow-based ElcomSoft discovered the flaw, which is centered around local password-protected iTunes backups. On iOS 10, these now have a weak secondary security mechanism which "skips certain security checks." This makes it possible to launch a brute-force attack – where different passwords are tested until the correct one is identified – up to 2,500 faster than iOS 9.

25 August, 2016 | PC Week/RE - http://www.pcweek.ru/

Кто следующий? Вы доверяете производителям мобильных устройств? А зря…

Специалисты российской компании Elcomsoft сообщили в четверг, что фотографии, принадлежащие обладателям устройств на iOS 8.1 и более старших версий, после удаления пользователем, физически не удаляются, а остаются в облаке iCloud на неопределенное время. Срок хранения «удаленных» снимков Apple не сообщает. По сведениям специалистов Elcomsoft, максимальный срок, после которого удалось извлечь данные из iCloud, превышает полгода.

25 August, 2016 | Mittelstand Nachrichten - http://www.mittelstand-nachrichten.de/

Elcomsoft Phone Breaker 6.0 entschlüsselt FileVault 2 und unterstützt die iCloud Fotomediathek

„In dieser Version zielen wir auf zwei weitere Bereiche der iCloud ab“, sagt Vladimir Katalov, CEO von ElcomSoft.“ Durch die Ermittlung des Recovery Key von FileVault 2 können wir Daten entschlüsseln, die in Mac OS X FileVault 2 Containern gespeichert sind. Der Zugang zur iCloud Fotomediathek ermöglicht uns, bestehende Medien herunterzuladen und Dateien wiederherzustellen, die vor mehr als 30 Tagen gelöscht wurden und auf den Geräten oder auf iCloud.com nicht mehr im ‚Zuletzt gelöscht‘-Ordner erscheinen.“

25 August, 2016 | life.ru - https://life.ru/

Российские специалисты: Apple продолжает хранить фото, удалённые из iCloud

Эксперты российской компании Elcomsoft обнаружили, что фотографии, удалённые пользователями из iCloud, остаются в облаке на неопределённое время. Как сообщает Экспертный центр электронного государства, речь идёт об устройствах на iOS 8.1 и последующих версиях.