
Elcomsoft und der §202c

Der IT-Branchenverband BITKOM (Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V.) bestätigt in seinem „Leitfaden zum Umgang mit dem Hackerparagrafen“ Elcomsofts Auffassung von der Legalität von Passwortwiederherstellungstools und stuft solche Werkzeuge in seiner abschließenden Bewertung als „unbedenklich“ ein. „So wie jedermann in der analogen Welt einen Schlüsseldienst rufen kann, um wieder in seine Wohnung zu gelangen, stellt Elcomsoft Administratoren digitale Nachschlüssel zur Verfügung, mit denen sie wieder an die Daten ihres Unternehmens auf den unternehmenseigenen PCs gelangen können, sollte das Passwort einmal verloren sein“, so Vladimir Katalov, CEO von Elcomsoft. „Als offizieller Microsoft Certified Partner kooperieren wir beispielsweise auch mit Microsoft und erhalten deren Software vorab, um Anwendern unsere Lösungen rechtzeitig an die Hand geben zu können.“ Der komplette BITKOM-Leitfaden, kann hier abgerufen werden:


White Papers

Sesam, öffne Dich!!

Eine einfache Methode zur Wiederherstellung von Kennwörtern für den Zugriff auf Dateien, Anwendungen und Datenbanken.

Lieber proaktiv statt rückwirkend.

Testen der Passwortsicherheit – ein Schlüssel zur Sicherheit des Firmennetzwerkes.

PDF entblocken.

Garantierte Passwort-Wiederherstellung für Adobe Acrobat.

Die GröSSe hat Bedeutung

Vorteile der verteilten Passwort-Wiederherstellung.


im Korporationssystem der Informationssicherheit.

Bücher über uns

Overall security & encryption topics and tutorials
Windows login passwords, AEFSDR
Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery
Advanced EFS Data Recovery, Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery, PGP
MS Office password
Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery, GPU
Advanced EFS Data Recovery

Artikel über uns

Vladimir Katalov, a Russian computer security expert and co-founder of Elcomsoft in Russia, confirmed that his company’s rich experience shows that Google collects more data than Apple.

Google has been accused of tracking users’ location even when the feature is disabled

30 May,

ElcomSoft updates iOS Forensic Toolkit, the company’s mobile forensic tool for extracting data from a range of Apple devices. Version 7.0 expands the ability to perform full file system extraction without the need to install a jailbreak, adding support for recent versions of iOS including iOS 14 through 14.3 on all devices including the current iPhone 12 range.

ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit extracts data from Apple devices without a jailbreak

19 March, 2021Help Net Security

Elcomsoft has announced an update to its iOS Forensic Toolkit, with version 7.0 working on iPhone 12 models and iOS 14 through iOS 14.3.

iOS 14 Isn’t Safe From Forensic Extraction Technology

18 March, 2021Mac Observer


Cloud Forensics: Extracting Evidence from Apple and Google Accounts

23 April, 2020

In this webinar, you'll learn about cloud acquisition of Apple and Google accounts, what data can be extracted from the cloud during a forensic investigation and how. Тoday, cloud acquisition in most cases returns overwhelmingly more data than other data acquisition methods. Apple and Google accounts store media files like photos, videos, screenshots in iCloud Photo Library or Google Photos, passwords in iCloud Keychain, location data in Apple Map or Google Maps, various documents in iCloud Drive or Google Drive, mails and messages and a lot more. Dedicated forensic tools help investigators, examiners and security officers perform cloud forensics with ease and expertise.

Health and Activity Evidence

29 January, 2020

Fitbit and other health trackers: obtaining important evidence you probably did not think about. Find out how smartphones and trackers collect and store health data, and how to obtain health information.

Software and Technologies: Password Cracking and Encrypted Data Access, Mobile Forensics, Cloud Forensics

13 November, 2019

Our digital forensic solutions enable experts to gain access to password-protected, locked and encrypted information contained in a range of mobile devices and cloud services, stored in crypto containers or encrypted archives. The company’s parented hardware-accelerated products can break passwords protecting files in a variety of formats, including encryption used in BitLocker, FileVault 2, PGP Disk and TrueCrypt successors' containers.

Data acquisition from iOS devices. New approaches and possibilities.

5 March, 2020

Extracting evidence from a seized iPhone: Using the latest exploits and innovative methods. Collecting data from latest iOS devices without jailbreaking them is possible. The new approach uses an extraction agent that installs onto iOS device. Compared with the traditional mobile forensic method using jailbreak, the use of agent allows us to perform the full file system extraction and decrypt the keychain without the risks and footprint associated with third-party jailbreaks. Details in the presentation.

Breaking Health Clouds

1 December, 2019

The amount of data collected by health trackers is amazing: from step count and heart rate to running and walking distances with exact timestamps and lots of geolocation data. Some of it goes directly to Apple Health and then to Apple iCloud, while other manufacturers (Samsung or FitBit) keep data in their own clouds. Something goes to Google Fit. Apart from privacy issues, think of how much data can serve as essential evidence during investigations.

The iPhone's Forensic Workflow: The Steps to Access Critical Evidence

6 November, 2019

Latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system actively resist forensic efforts by disabling the less secure biometric identification (Touch ID or Face ID) and blocking USB connectivity after a short period of time. Many of these restrictions can be effectively bypassed with proper timing and the right technique.



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